Studio Policy


I will teach my piano students the language of music in a positive and enthusiastic environment. It is my goal to empower each student to influence their music education with input based on their interest and long-term goals. I will tailor the curriculum to match each student’s specific learning needs.


Students agree to be ready for each lesson on time, be well prepared, and with their assignment books, music, and keyboard/piano. To receive the most value and benefits from music lessons, consistent lesson attendance and daily, quality practice is necessary. Please ask questions about home assignments so that the student and parents can completely understand the assignments and goals.

All students are encouraged to play at the studio recitals and recording opportunities.

Students must have their own instrument to practice at home. An acoustic piano is the best choice to receive the full benefits of piano lessons. If you have questions or would like input on the purchase of an instrument (acoustic or digital), please let me know. I am happy to set appointments to meet the student and their family for acoustic instrument trials and make specific recommendations.


Each student is responsible for purchasing the required music and materials for lessons. Materials will be assigned by me and the student will be expected to have the materials no later than two weeks after the materials have been assigned. Advanced notice will be provided whenever possible.


Tuition reserves your weekly reserved spot on my schedule, and is due monthly on the 1st of each month. Payment received after the first of each month is subject to a 10% late fee. Invoices will be sent by the 25th of the month prior for all enrolled students. Invoices will reflect this flat rate, and will also list the lessons scheduled that month for each student. Accepted payments are check, zelle, or cash.

Tuition remains the same regardless if there are four or five weeks in a month. On months where there is a fifth week, that week is counted as a free bonus week.

Just as it is my responsibility to be available for scheduled reserved lesson times, students are responsible to be present at their lessons as well. Since I am travelling to your home and my schedule is limited, missed lessons are forfeited without refund.

Makeup lessons are only offered if the teacher cancels, at no extra charge. If you wish to have a makeup lesson for a student’s missed lesson, it can be scheduled and paid for ($75 fee) 48 hours in advance depending on availability.

The studio is closed on major holidays such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, etc. and will be communicated in advance to setup a day to reschedule those lessons.

A summer session package will be held during the summer months (July and August) and announced by January. Participation is required to hold your spot for the following year.


  1. What is the benefit of the flat rate tuition structure?

    The benefit is that this allows for easier accounting for both families and myself when the amount will be the same every month regardless if there are four of five weeks reserved.

    2. How do the ‘bonus’ lessons work? I have calculated the rate for 40 teaching weeks which I reserve during the year between September to June. Since the tuition stays the same rate each month, this allows for three additional weeks, free of charge, during the year (September to June) when there’s a fifth week month.

    3. What if I miss more than 3 lessons, can I get a refund? Tuition is not based on attendance, but on enrollment and reserves a weekly time on my schedule. Your time is only reserved for you. I do not offer refunds or ‘credits’ for missed lessons.

    4. If I take off for the summer, can I just re-enroll in the fall? If you take off the summer, your spot will not be saved. If I have an opening in the fall, then yes, you can re enroll! Please keep in mind I do recruit during the summer, and it is likely there will be a wait to resume lessons.

    5. Can I get a make up if I miss more than the 3 lessons? Tuition is based on enrollment & not attendance which reserves a weekly spot on my schedule. Your time is only reserved for you. It is not possible to offer makeups which usually involve moving other students reserved time. The three bonus lessons between September and June are built into the schedule in case of ‘missed’ lessons. Makeup lessons are only given for teacher absences.

    By enrolling and paying tuition for my child in Daniel Lavin’s Piano Studio, I certify that I understand and agree to the studio policies for the 2024/2025 school year. The policies & terms are subject to change.