Choral Institute at Oxford 2018

This past July I took a course that was a partnership between Oxford University and Westminster Choir College called the Choral Institute at Oxford. I studied as a Conducting Associate through the Choral Institute at Oxford. On their website, they describe the program as being “engaged in an immersive study of choral conducting and choral artistry, building musicianship and technique.” I completely agree with their description of the program. Below is a promo video from last year:

Final group photo at the St. Stephens House 2018

They started with a lecture on C. S. Lewis and the relationship between his writings and music. The lecturer was Michael Ward who is Senior Research Fellow at Blackfriars Hall, University of Oxford and it was a conversation between him and one of the directors of CIO, Dr. James Jordan. They also brought in many others lecturers and conductors from Oxford University such as Edward Higginbottom and Stephen Darlington and discussed the procedure of recordings and aspects of their careers as conductors.

Dr. Jordan told us that this program would be life changing and I believe that he is correct. They gave us an enormous amount of information and we got to witness some very fine conductors blossom. They let us conduct one of the elite choirs at Westminster Choir College there and the choir was very responsive to every minute detail. One of the things that influenced me most was the lectures by Dr. James Whtibourn on Gregorian chant and its application to other choral music. I felt that I can takes those principles and apply them to my own playing as an instrumentalist as well.

I also met some wonderful people; some were composers and others where very fine conductors and educators. One person was also from the same state that I’m from (NJ) and he also knows my mentor and piano teacher. I believe this program was life changing and opened up new ways of seeing and hearing music. It was a privilege to be a part of this program and I am excited to implement all the ideas that I have learned there.

Author: Daniel Lavin